Kimchi Brussel Sprouts

Kimchi Brussel Sprouts


A Fermented Favorite for your Gut Flora

Prep Time: 15 minutes then 6 days for fermenting. 

May  23, 2018  •  By Seamus Mullen

egg poaching in boiling water

Our ancestors have intiuitively known for thousands of years the importance of eating fermented foods. To ferment, comes from the latin word fervere to boil because in the fermentation process, as bacteria consumes sugars within the foods we are fermenting; gas is released and a bubbling can be seen, not unlike boiling. What our wise ancestors learned many, many years ago was that if we innoculated foods and beverages with bacteria our bodies could tolerate (or in many cases actually needed) we could slow down the growth of toxic molds that would make us sick. Fermentation is, in a sense, a brilliant way of killing two birds with one stone: we preserve food so it last longer AND we introduce important bacteria to our microbiome.

Fermenting foods at home is not nearly as complex as you might think. This is a simple, cost effective and tasty way of getting fermented foods into your routine. Once you get the bug (pardon the pun) you’ll be fermenting all sorts of veggies at home! One note, make sure to use organic vegetables- conventional vegetables may still have trace amounts of pesticides which often contain antibiotics (yuck!) and will inhibit the growth of ALL bacteria, good and bad!


  • 1 lb of Brussel sprouts,  cut  in  quarters  

  • 5 cloves garlic,  chopped  

  • 10g salt cured  anchovies  

  • 16g gochujang  powder or chile  powder  

  • 16g fresh ginger  

  • 10g sea salt  

  • 2g raw honey  

  • 8g distilled water 


1. Rub  the  Brussels  sprouts  and  garlic  thoroughly  with  sea  salt. 

2. Cover  with  a  towel  and  a  weight  for  2  hours,  then  rinse  thoroughly  with  distilled  water  and  set  aside  to  drain. 

3. In  a  food  processor,  combine  gochujang,  ginger,  anchovies,  honey  and  pulse,  then  slowly  add  the  water. 

4. In  a  large  bowl,  combine  the  paste  with  the  vegetables,  wearing  gloves,  thoroughly  mix.  Pack  into  sterilized  canning  jars,  leaving  an  inch  of  space  at  the  top.  Cover  and  set  aside  at  room  temperature  for  6  days,  burping  daily  by  pushing  down  into  the  brine. 

After  6  days  transfer  to  the  refrigerator. 

aftermath of poached eggs and bacon from seamus mullen's cookbook, Real food heals