FitnessSeamus Mullen

Time Under Tension and the Power of Eccentric Movement for Health and Longevity

FitnessSeamus Mullen
Time Under Tension and the Power of Eccentric Movement for Health and Longevity


Time Under Tension

Greetings, fellow seekers of health, happiness and longevity! I’ve been wanting to share with you something that I’ve been super interested in for a while now: the intriguing world of eccentric movement and its profound connection with the concept of time under tension (TUT). These two fundamental elements of physical fitness are often overlooked but can play an incredibly powerful role in optimizing our bodies for a lifetime of vitality. I’ve known for ages that integrating Eccentric movements and TUT lead to great results, but the benefits go far beyond what you can see and feel. So let’s break it down!

What are eccentric movements?

Eccentric, concentric, and isometric—these are the three fundamental types of muscle contractions that underlie every movement we make. While concentric contractions (the shortening of muscle fibers) often steal the limelight, eccentric contractions (the lengthening of muscle fibers) are a hidden gem that are fundamental to muscle health.

Eccentric movements occur when the muscle is resisting an external force that's greater than the force it generates. Picture lowering a barbell during a bicep curl; this is where the eccentric magic unfolds. Research suggests that eccentric training can produce exceptional strength gains, muscle growth, and improvements in muscle function.

Time Under Tension: The stimulus for Growth

Eccentric movement, the controlled lengthening of the muscle, combined with time under tension (TUT)- which is quite literally how long we maintain our muscles in a state of contraction- is an incredibly effective way to maximize muscle quality.  Essentially TUT refers to the duration for which a muscle is actively engaged during a set of exercises. The interplay between eccentric and concentric muscle contractions within this timeframe is what lays the foundation for muscle adaptation. For example, if you’re doing a pull-up, the combination of TUT and eccentric contraction would look like this: pull-up quickly to the bar, then slowly and with control, lower yourself all the way down until the arms are fully extended. The longer it takes you to lower down, the greater the time under tension. One of the things I love about this concept is that we can accomplish more with less. Fewer reps and slower speeds makes it easier to focus on form and less likely to lead to injury while maximizing the benefits of a given movement.

By incorporating eccentric movements into your workout regimen you naturally extend TUT. This prolonged engagement creates a perfect environment for muscle hypertrophy, strength development, and even metabolic benefits. The muscle fibers experience a sustained stimulus, leading to increased structural quality and functional growth.

Why is this particularly important for women? While I firmly believe that resistance training with a focus on TUT and slow eccentric contractions is important for anyone interested in increased healthspan, it seems that women are often left out of the conversation. There are some very compelling reasons why everyone should pursue some form of resistance training as we age ESPECIALLY women!

In mainstream exercise-culture women have often been guided away from strength training towards so-called “lower impact” exercises like running and yoga. And while running and yoga have tremendous health benefits, strength training, eccentric movements and focusing on TUT can significantly improve several areas of women’s health.

Bone density: As women age, the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures increases. Eccentric resistance training, such as eccentric squats or step-downs, places greater stress on bones, which can stimulate bone remodeling and improve bone density. This is especially vital during menopause when estrogen levels decline, affecting bone health. Think of it like this: our skeletal system is stacked up from the ground, keeping us upright as we resist gravity. When we lift an object or engage our musculature, we are creating a shearing stress on our skeletal system via muscles to tendons to bone. That shearing effect stimulates growth hormones in our bones that lead to increased calcium production and bone density.

Hormonal Balance: The hormonal changes that come with menopause can lead to weight gain and loss of muscle mass. Eccentric training, when combined with other forms of resistance exercise, helps maintain and build lean muscle tissue, which can mitigate the metabolic slowdown associated with hormonal shifts. The myth that lifting weights will lead to a bulky physique or detrimental stress of the joints is just that, a myth. Resistance training is fundamental to our health and when paired with a healthy relationship with food and sufficient rest, can help to balance hormones.

Weight Management: As we age and our hormonal systems start to change, both men and women often find it challenging to manage weight due to these hormonal fluctuations and changes in metabolism. Eccentric training increases the body's metabolic rate both during and after workouts, aiding in calorie burn and weight management. Additionally, it can help shape and tone muscles, enhancing body composition.

Eccentric movement and time under tension are simple and effective tools in our pursuit of physical excellence and longevity. By incorporating eccentric training and extending TUT in your workouts, you can unlock a world of benefits, from increased muscle growth and strength gains to enhanced metabolic health and injury prevention. One of my favorite bonus benefits when integrating TUT into eccentric contractions is improved mobility. By moving all the way through the complete range of motion of a given muscle group, while under load, naturally increases the mobility through the joint capsules. Remember, it's not just about how much weight you lift but how well you control it on the way down. Embrace eccentricity and let time under tension be your secret weapon on the path to lifelong vitality.